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Toys that help children with their mental health.

Modular toys that facilitate open ended play for children aged 6-12 years old. The same pieces will be used to set up 3 different therapy zones fore 3 different types of therapy through talking. For the children, they will view these items as toys, but the adults view the same pieces as tools for psychotherapy. This allows parents and caregivers to set up a safe spaces together with the children to have discussions about  whatever is bothering them.

This is the
multi- layered,
multi- faceted,

That we want to solve :)

There are children who are left on the outer parts of society being overlooked due to circumstances outside of their control. Children who are in asylum centers in The Netherlands are often not given normalcy in their childhood and they retain this trauma as they grow into adults affecting their lives.

As the refugee numbers continue to rise, there is little support to address and assist the children who are living in a state of helplessness as they await their asylum status to be approved. And with the situation worsening around the world, like in Ukraine early this year and Afghanistan last year, the number of asylum seekers has reached its peak since the Syrian crisis in 2015.

Their lives can be on halt for years awaiting their legal standing. We believe that it is up to us as designers to be the change and do our best to help these children. 

The current existing solutions out there for children’s therapy rely on two things. Access and affordability. These children do not have access to therapy and they definitely do not have the finances for it. Above all, the existing therapy for children requires a lot of space and specific furnishings, to make an inviting and tactile environment. How do we make space when there is barely any to start with? Not all wounds are physical and not all scars are visible.


If we help the children on the fringes of society, we can help children from all walks of life with their mental health.


About Us

Our Vision

Our Vision is for every refugee child to have access to tool to support with their mental health. Spelementen is used for play and doubles as psychotherapy tool that adults can use to help relief mental pressure from kids in refugee camps. We do this because every child deserves to have a normal childhood where play is involved and being a refugee prevents that and adds the trauma to their mental health.

Our Mission

"We're committed to making a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable children, by designing toys that promote emotional intelligence, empathy and self-care.

Our Value

How it helps the children

Play as a foundation

Kids of all background deserve to play and this goes beyond kids in the AZCs.

Therapy for kids

Creates a conducive environment for children in the AZC to talk about their problems

Communal responsibility

Gives people and organizations to contribute a positive impact in the lives of the children

The focus of our effort

Provide a general description of the items below and introduce the services you offer. Click on the text box to edit the content.


Play elements focus :

  • Helps with motor skills

  • Concentration

  • Building techniques

  • Understanding forces

  • Encourages teamwork

  • Ignites imagination

  • Worldbuilding


Psychotherapy elements focus :

  • Building the zones creates ownership of the space for the children

  • 3 different therapy zones

  • Guide on how to build the zones with their value attached to them

  • Isolation zone to process feelings

  • Sharing zone to have 1 to 1 chats with a friend

  • Communal zone to host story time

For Parents, 

For parents, caregivers and volunteers in the refugee camps, this is what we can do for you.

Open Ended Play

Spelementen encourages imagination, teamwork, and learning through play, which provides an open-ended play environment for children. This can provide value to parents as their children can learn and express themselves creatively through play.

Encourages Communication

The use of the tools in Spelementen helps children verbalize their feelings and thoughts through the medium of movement and construction, which can help volunteers get a better grasp of their mental situation. This can provide value to parents as their children can communicate their feelings better, leading to better communication between the parents and the child. As a result, parents may find that their children are more open and communicative with them as well, which can strengthen their relationship and help them better support their children.

Avenue to understand children

Spelementen offers a psychotherapy tool that provides access to therapy for children aged 6-12, who might not have access to traditional therapy due to lack of finances or space. This provides value to parents who might not have the means to afford traditional therapy for their children.


For Galleries, 

If you are an art or design gallery, this is what we can do for you.

Wood Products

Custom pieces

We can produce a one of selection of pieces with custom materials that can be used and sold at a premium price

Art Display


We can loan you existing pieces that are meant for the children to be displayed in our venue of choice

Art Dealer


For an event during a certain period of time, for example; Dutch Design Week. We can exhibit the full range of the therapy zones and toys

For Companies & Collaborators, 

If you are company or an organization, that wants to contribute to our mission, this is what we need

Merel Tuk, Dutch Design BYS portret Ashardeen, Augustus 202211_websize.jpg


Manufacture our wooden pieces: planks, poles, nuts, organic shapes and textile.

Merel Tuk, Dutch Design BYS portret Ashardeen, Augustus 202229_websize.jpg


Print and fold our manuals.

Merel Tuk, Dutch Design BYS portret Ashardeen, Augustus 202225_websize.jpg


Put together the wooden nuts and bolts. Adding the metal nuts to the wooden nuts. Adding nuts to poles Adding the manual to the packaging.

Image by Mediamodifier


Bring the order to the customer.


It gives us tremendous pride to be recognized for all of the hard work we do with Spelementen. Explore some of our latest media features below. Do they inspire you to get involved? Don’t hesitate to reach out!

Dutch Design Week


Belgian Article

Merel Tuk, Dutch Design BYS portret Ashardeen, Augustus 20220_websize.jpg

Dutch Tourism Board Bring Yourself Campaign

Merel Tuk, Dutch Design BYS portret Ashardeen, Augustus 202240_websize.jpg
Fist Bump


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Eindhoven, Netherlands


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